Sunday, March 27, 2011

Submit now to be featured in our relaunch!

Hi from the Herkimer!

In case you haven't noticed, the Herkimer has been sleeping. Sleeping like a beast. Sleeping like a dragon. Sleeping like a herpes infection. And soon, it will wake up--and ravage springtime like a herd of bloodthirsty buttercups.

In the next few weeks, the Herkimer will be undergoing some changes and gathering some work to display in its heart-stopping, brain-shattering, soul-exploding, season-dominating relaunch--complete with prizes, giveaways, and general hubbubery.

We're looking for fiction, prose, poetry, and memoir under 1500 words to feature. We're also looking for writers who want to contribute to the Herkimer regularly. We strongly encourage submissions by unpublished student writers.

Romance novels and children's books dominate the literary market. We have nothing against that per se--but we are not about that shit up in here. We like it weird. We like it odd. We like it unheard of. We especially like stories about things traditionally perceived as dark, strange, bizarre and obscure. If you're writing a romance novel about a girl with decreased intellectual capacities falling in love with a poodle, we would love to read it. If your children's book is about a hundred and one ways to try not to die, then it might be appropriate for the Herkimer Review. If you've never sent work to a journal before because your work is too something--then you should send it here.

We're kind of goth. We're kind of gross. We're kind of awesome. And we kind of TOTALLY want to read what you've written.

Submit now at And check back often for relaunch updates.

Write with guts!